T’was days before Christmas, in the ballpark of Hanukkah,
Near Festivus (for the rest of us), Hogmanay, and Kwanzaa,
Softly rain fell and the air had a chill,
From Alki to Redmond and in Capitol Hill.
As visitors – with umbrellas – were mildly perplexed,
Shoppers trundled by bundled in their finest Gore-Tex.
Unfazed by the drizzle, and frizzled hair a bit damp,
Each toddler puddle-stomped like they were a champ.
We at 2A (based on Broadway) gazed down at the street,
and mused of eggnog, gingerbread, and a warm fire’s heat.
In the throes of our projects, above the throngs down below,
We can’t help but be proud of this community we know.
Seattle is an exceptional town with accessible places
and holiday events to put smiles on all faces.
So in this season of consumption we can’t help but get vocal,
and remind our community: let’s keep it local!
Stroll the Arboretum among the maples and sequoia!
Catch the symphony’s Messiah (playing at Benaroya)!
If sugar plums are busy dancing in your vision,
Attending The Nutcracker may be the right decision.
The neighborhoods, too, get in on the spirit,
From bazaars and craft fairs to caroling – go hear it!
Ballard’s got a party, Fremont has a Feast,
There’s a brass band in Bellevue, and salsa in southeast!
Go hike in the snow! Hit the slopes for swell fun!
Traipse by the water or dash the Jingle Bell Run!
If you want to spot reindeer, like Comet and Prancer,
Head to the zoo! Ramble through WildLights for an answer!
I know there is shopping to be done so, my dear, try
To support those businesses conveniently nearby.
And for folks that need help, now and next year,
Be sincere as a peer and go volunteer.
It is a time for giving, and there is much to receive,
and we’ve been here together so let’s further achieve
The city we want in the state that we love
and continue to improve on all we think of.
Whether Cap Hill or Leschi, Wedgwood or Queen Anne,
and however we celebrate, or whatever the plan,
We are proud and have vowed to remain focally linked,
with cool pride in a yuletide that’s locally distinct.
So dance under mistletoe, or sing under holly,
Or bake tasty treats and laugh and be jolly,
No matter your style, enjoy festive cheer!
Happy holidays to all and a joyful new year!