

Land your message with a 2-page solution brief

By Liz Mangini, Carolyn Lange

Land your message with a 2-page solution brief

Image by Nicole Todd

So, your solution has a story to tell. But most people won’t have the time—or patience—to read a wall of text about its benefits and features. A solution brief is the answer. It distills key details into a format that’s easy to read and hard to ignore. These two-page assets pack a punch: they reinforce benefits, highlight features, and position your offering as the best choice. Use them to grab attention at events, re-engage leads, or convince your audience to take action. 

In short, a solution brief is your pitch in its most polished form: clear, sharp, and informative. To nail this format, you need tight, focused messaging, smart design, and the right amount of white space. Here’s how to make your solution brief shine. 

Start with why, then move on to how 

It’s tempting to dive straight into all the bells and whistles, but your audience needs context first. Why does your solution exist? What problem does it solve? Once you’ve established that, you can provide a few details about the coolest features to hold your reader’s attention. 

Tighten up your marketing message 

Less is more in a solution brief, which means your messaging should focus on the most essential points. To get there, zero in on your differentiators, benefits, and core features. (If that sounds daunting, don’t worry—2A can help!) 

Develop a framework and stick with it 

A framework is a useful way to organize a brief, but don’t overcomplicate things by using too many approaches. Whether you’re presenting your solution as a step-by-step journey, a three-phased approach, or a problem/solution pairing, pick one framework and stick with it. 

Keep the design clean and engaging 

A solution brief is as much about how it looks as what it says. Use plenty of white space to make your content easy to skim. Pair your copy with visuals that support your message, such as charts, icons, or product screenshots. 

Focus on the next step for your customer 

A solution brief should do more than educate—it should drive action. What do you want your customer to do next? Contact your sales team? Download a demo? Visit your website? Be clear and specific about next steps. 

Bonus tip 

Creating a great solution brief takes expertise. At 2A, we’ve perfected the art of pairing short, punchy copy with clean, impactful design. Let us help you create an asset that communicates your value and drives results. 

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